“Capt Z” Michael Zornes

West Florida Sales & Project Manager

Captain Michael Zornes has over 35 years certified in the yachting world.

Over the course of his career, he has captained over 100 different boats ranging in size from 35 to 85 feet. Successfully delivering boats to owners and chartering companies all over the east and west coasts, Cuba, the Bahamas and the Caribbean.

After years as a professional captain in both the sailing and powerboat communities, he began the natural progression as a Yacht Broker. Captain Z, as he is known, has brought all of his 35+ years of experience to bear helping buyers & sellers to reach their Yachting goals. His mission, as a Licensed & Bonded Broker is to provide a FULL SERVICE YACHT BROKERAGE EXPERIENCE, one boat at a time. His lifelong boating pursuits go a long way to making both the novice, as well as the experienced yachtsmen feel confident in their decisions and prospects, thereby creating an environment where his clients are more comfortable with their vessels.

Captain Michael Zornes was born on a beef farm in Independence, Kentucky. His youth spent ranching both honed his confidence and molded his character. The result was the classic American Farmer work-ethic. His attention to detail, devotion to acting responsibly and the habit of aspiring for excellence are his trademark attributes. At the young age of seventeen, Michael enlisted in the U.S. Army and served his country stationed in Germany. After his honorable discharge from the service, he became a professional DJ. However, it wasn’t long before his boyhood dream of sailing beckoned and he left the DJ gig, moving to Florida and becoming a full time sailor.

Over the course of his career, Captain Z would captain many private vessels, become the Director of various sailing centers in and around Tampa Bay, and operate numerous charter fleets, all the while instructing fellow sailors through the ASA sailing school curriculum. He would become the “go-to” person for both charter companies and private boat owners on all things operational and otherwise. His knowledge extended far beyond operating boats and into the numerous and diverse boating systems, including chart plotters, electronics equipment as well as gasoline and diesel engines.

After years of instructing boaters, both on and off the water, his competence, capability and reputation have resulted in a proven track record as an expert Yachtsman. Given the chance to work with Captain Z you will experience the benefit of a no-nonsense Captain and Broker. Sharing his knowledge and expertise brings him great joy and comfort, knowing he gets to give back to the community which gave him so much. Let him welcome you with his firm hand shake and “hello” and you will instantly recognize his competence and confidence. To make an appointment please contact JFA Yacht and Ship so they can locate him and connect you to one of the industries most competent Brokers.

Contact Information
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His Pirate for Hire Website:

Captain Michael Zornes has spent the last 30 years honing his sailing skills. Over the course of his career, he has captained over 100 different boats ranging in size from 35 to 85 feet and he’s delivered boats all over the east and west coasts, Cuba, the Bahamas and the Caribbean. His mission is to provide the individual instruction that will make both novice and experienced sailors more confident in their skills and therefore, more comfortable on their vessels.


Captain Michael Zornes was born in Independence, Kentucky and grew up on a beef farm. It was there that he developed a work ethic that was based on attention to detail, a devotion to acting responsibly and a habit of aspiring to excellence. At the young age of seventeen, he enlisted in the Army and served his country stationed in Germany. After his honorable discharge from the service, he became a professional DJ. However, it wasn’t long before his boyhood dream beckoned and he high tailed it to Florida to become a full time sailor.

Over the course of his career, Captain Z has captained private vessels, been director of various sailing centers in and around Tampa Bay, has run charter fleets, instructed ASA sailing students and been the operations “go-to” person for both charter companies and private boat owners. His knowledge extends to boat systems, including chart plotters, other electronics and engines.

Captain Z has a proven track record as an instructor. He shares his knowledge and expertise in a fun and relaxed manner but it is his ability to provide clear instruction and demonstration that will improve every aspect of docking, boat handling and sailing in both novice sailors and new boat owners.